Our “HOW”

Shokunin’s journey

We believe that it is worth doing what you love and do it your own way. If we succeed in doing so, we can achieve more better and faster.

Efficiency increases as motivation changes from fear-based to love-based” wrote Arno Ilner in his “Rock Warrior’s Way: Mental training for climbers”. We act in such a way as to do what we have a heart for. This results from our “why” and not from an intention to combat others or gain approval. We want to continue in this way and are looking for Clients who have such motivation in their work.

How we work

Continuous improvement process

We would like to be in constant development, in change, in a continuous process of improvement. We want to be shokunin on the kaizen path.

What does it mean?

Shokunin is someone who continuously perfects his/her craft. This is Mr Jiro, who, at 85 years old and being the world’s greatest sushi chef, tries to make sushi better every day (“Jiro dreams of sushi” – we recommend this documentary). We are talking about a philosophy of running a business, but also a philosophy of life consisting in living one’s passion and constantly improving oneself, concentrating on the way and not only on the goal.

Kaizen is about continuously changing for the better, in small steps. This is a gentle, permanent evolution plus correction when a given step turns out not to be the best one.

Our formula of relationships with Clients

We will do it with you

We wish to perceive Clients and cooperate with them in a different way than the leading market approach assumes.

Currently, the question is: how can we help you, what problems can you avoid thanks to us? This formula is inadequate to Clients’ needs, assuming interventionist and piecemeal activities which are inefficient and non-functional.

We have a different perspective – we would like to ask what objective you want to achieve, and then adjust appropriate tools to it (while taking into account possible risks and problems you may face). We would like to talk to you and find out where the problem came from, why it emerged, determine how to deal with it and what to change to avoid it in the future. We will then give you ideas for changes and coordinate them so that they occur as part of a comprehensive process rather than a sticking-plaster solution.

Our Clients grow, learn new things, sometimes change their business models and goals radically. We offer you our company on this journey – we are open, we want to listen, learn about you and your business, and give you what is the answer to your need.

How we understand law

We break the rules or set new ones, we change the rules, but we obey the law

The law organizes the reality, but the law is not just the rules and boundaries that we must not cross. It is not only a system of control, oppression of the state apparatus or formal obligations.

The law is also the right TO – law which gives tools to accomplish one’s goals and is a foundation for our activities. We may build on it and fulfil our potential safely.

The law is also the right FROM – law that protects our boundaries and the law which safeguards us.

We wish to protect your rights and help you obey the law. We wish to properly safeguard you and your interests with the tools the law offers – by using them creatively, seeking legal solutions, creating structures best tailored to your needs and most effectively supporting you in attaining your goals.

"Spokojna noc"
Grzegorz Jarzynowski