Legal note

  1. Thank you for visiting our website. KONIECEK spółka adwokacka sp. p. with its registered office in Warsaw is an administrator and owner of the website
  2. Do not treat information presented on our website as legal advice – if you need advice, please call us or come to our office or to another professional law firm and benefit from professional support.
  3. Materials placed on our website are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the civil law.
  4. Information found on our website is not an advertisement for our business.
  5. All materials contained on the website (texts, images, graphics and other creative elements) are protected by copyright which is owned or licensed by our Law Firm. It is forbidden to copy, modify or disseminate content placed on our website without our prior consent.
  6. We try to ensure that our website and published content are safe for recipients and their equipment, however, we are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses resulting from using our website. In addition, we are not responsible for any damage or viruses which may infect your equipment while using our website.
  7. We are also not responsible for the content and materials contained on other websites to which links may be found on our website.
  8. We do not collect your personal data, and as a result we do not transfer, sell or lend it to other persons or institutions.
  9. Our website collects automatically only information gathered in cookies.
  10. Your web browser allows you to change your cookie settings. Failure to change these settings means that you accept the cookies used by our website.
  11. We want you to know that cookies are IT data, in particular text files which are stored in the end devices of the users of our website (i.e. your devices) and are intended for the use of the web pages of our website.
  12. Cookies usually contain the name of the Internet domain from which they originate, the length of time for which they are stored on the end device and a unique number.
  13. Those files are used in order to:
    • adapt the content of the web pages of our website to your individual needs and optimise the use of the web pages (e.g. through cookies recognising your device and appropriately displaying the web page in a manner tailored to your preferences);
    • create statistics which help us understand how you use web pages to improve their structure and content;
  14. Our website uses two fundamental kinds of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on your device until you log out, leave the website or close your web browser. Persistent cookies are stored on your devices for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies (maximum for one year) or until they are deleted by the User.
  15. Our website may use the following kinds of cookies:
    • essential cookies to enable proper use of the services provided by the website, such as authentication cookies used for services which require website authentication;
    • secure cookies, among others used for detecting misuse of website authentication;
    • performance cookies which enable the collection of information about the use of the web pages of the website;
    • functional cookies which make it possible to “remember” your selected settings and personalize your user interface (e.g. with respect to the language or the region you come from, the font size, the design of the website, etc.);
  16. In most cases, your web browser will allow cookies to be stored on your device by default. You can set the level of cookie protection in your web browser – up to and including completely blocking cookies. This increases the level of security and data protection, but may also make it difficult or impossible to use certain functions, e.g. logging into your email account. You may change your settings in this respect in your browser settings.
  17. Please be informed that restricting the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on our website.
  18. Cookies placed on your device may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the operator of our website.
  19. More information about cookies is available in the “Help” section in the menu of each web browser.
  20. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly by e-mail:
"Spokojna noc"
Grzegorz Jarzynowski